Do you often feel tired, scattered or unbalanced? Are you lacking purpose in your life, having a hard time being heard at work, overwhelmed with too many things going on or struggling to focus? Is it difficult to keep up with your children/family, or a challange when communicating with others? Have you lost your spark in your relationship?
With this unique energy treatment you will rebalance your own personal energy and create a strong energy protection around your body. This will support you to take the necessary action that you need to create change in your life.
You will feel more energised and will get the tools to understand how to maintain your own energy and how to focus your energy in the direction you want to go.
You will have a much better balance in your energy system which will create more balance in your life, your relationships, your work-life and help you yo understand what creates balance and joy in your life.
You will connect deeply and profoundly with your purpose, have a much stronger contact with your authentic self, your inner truth and longings in life.
The AuraTransformation treatment is a one-to-one hands-on treatment, divided across two sessions and two days. We sit comfortably and work with your energy through physical contact through feet to feet.
The first session is 3 hours and the following day session is 1.5 hours. In these two days you will experience a major energy shift into what we call the “New Time Energy”. This is a high frequency energy that has evolved on our planet (and is most commonly asscoiated with today’s children) across a long period of time. Your energy system will shift from a lower frequency and become upgraded to be optimised for the energy in today’s world.
Every treatment will be individually tailored to fit who you truly are. We do this both through talking and looking at your personal energies. The result is an optimal version of you that is entirely true to your authentic self.
Step 1
Start by reading Anni Sennov’s ebook, Introducing AuraTransformation™ (free download here) or “Balance On All Levels” to prepare. (you can order the book Balance On All Levels from Amazon) – the book explains all about the Aura-Transformation process. We will have an initial consultation over phone, Skype or Messenger to discuss your situation and questions, and set a date for the treatment.
Step 2
We meet you in person day 1. This is a 3 hour session where we sit comfortably with physical connection through (socked) feet to feet. In this session people typically feel very relaxed and filled with energy. You might fall asleep and that’s OK, we will wake you up when we go through different stages in this treatment so you can follow and integrate with the process. We will bring your personal energy back to you and start the integration of your energy throughout your physical body.
Step 3
We meet you in person the following day after you have had the opportnity to rest and reconnect with your energy overnight. This session is 1.5 hours and here we will first reflect on your experience from the day before. We then work again through contact feet to feet and go through your energy system to continue the process of balancing your energy and to bringing back your personal energy to you. We then explore different energy tools you can use by yourself afterwards to support yourself.
Step 4
After your AuraTransformation you have the opportunity to connect with us on an ongoing basis, online or in person.
Step 5
We recommend all clients to have ongoing support after your AuraTransformation through Aura Balancing sessions the first 6 month. This is also a hands-on treatment, a powerful healing session where we continue to draw in and recharge your energies, integrate the energy deeper in your physical body and increase the energy frequency throughout your body. These sessions are costed individually and are separate to the main AuraTransformation treatment.
We also offer a unique Aura Double Balancing session where we both work together with you to create an even more powerful healing and recharging experience.
The AuraTransformation treatment costs €500 covering the two day sessions and follow-up support.
Balancing sessions cost from €200.
Please contact us at sophelia@balanceisjoy.com or aamod@balanceisjoy.com if you have any questions
or want to book a session.
Here you can hear from some of the people we have worked with about their experience of the profound effects the AuraTransformation had on them.